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SprintPoker is a web application that enables product teammates in organizations that practice agile methodologies to join a collaborative session in real-time and provide estimates to sprint tasks either in time estimates or story points.
Vue.js / TypeScript / GraphQL / Node.js / Cron job

Project Background

SprintPoker was built using Vue 3, TypeScript, Node.js and GraphQL. It was a good opportunity for me to practice and learn new technologies such as Node.js and GraphQL API spec. After deployment, I faced an interest challenge that arose because I deployed the API on a free server instance provided by The challenge was that the server spins down after periods of inactivity. To overcome this challenge, I wrote a bash script that makes a request to the APi and creates and deletes a dummy record at intervals of ten minutes. Then I deployed the script as a cron job via GitHub Actions. That away, I was able to keep the server from spinning down thereby ensuring that the performance of APi calls were not impacted negatively.

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